Maria’s Story

The All Ability Cycling Club in Bush Hill Park recently marked its 10th anniversary with a celebration featuring a special guest: 91-year-old Maria, one of the club’s founding members. Maria, who helped establish the club in 2014 as part of the Friends of Bush Hill Park, remains a dedicated cyclist, attending the All Ability Hub weekly.

‘I learnt to ride as a child, on a bike with no brakes, and remember my mum and dad riding a tandem.  I got into a scrapes as a child but cycling has always been, and remains, a form of pure enjoyment.

Cycling is restful as it allows you to live in the moment and forget your worries for a while. It’s great being outdoors with the air on your face. I find the motion of cycling incredibly powerful, using your own physical ability to get around. There is a joy to cycling you just don’t get from driving.

The All Ability Club is an amazing service and I thinks it’s lovely that the council spends time and money enabling people to cycle and encouraging them to spend time outside for both their mental and physical wellbeing. At my age, you feel the slightest incline but the path in BHP is easy to cycle around and it’s great to sit, have a cup of tea and chat to other club users.

I also go to the leisure centre when I can and always encourage people to come down and give the club a try.

There’s no reason why any person of any age or ability can’t enjoy riding a bike. It is a unique and wonderful feeling, and I am testament that you are able to cycle far more easily well past your ability to walk. I have to use a walker/sticks to walk these days but when I’m cycling the years just melt away. Then I get off my bike and wobble home.

I may be 91 but I feel tremendously young on a bike!’

Find out more about the All Ability Cycling Hub here