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Air quality workshops held in schools around Enfield

Enfield Council’s Journeys and Places team recently held air quality workshops for students at schools across the borough.

We recently held creative workshops for students at Eversley Primary, Highfield Primary, Merryhills Primary, Alma Primary, Firs Farm Primary, St George’s Catholic Primary, Hazelbury Primary, and Kingsmead Secondary. These workshops highlighted the benefits of walking, cycling and scooting to school, focusing on how these activities improve air quality, wellbeing and the environment.

Together with local Enfield artist Christina from Doodle Designs, students worked together to create vibrant banners that illustrate the advantages of active travel and how this contributes to a cleaner environment, particularly around their school. Through these creative workshops they thought about how they can travel more sustainably to school and their local places and help improve their local environment. The banners created by students are now displayed around their schools.

Find out more about the work the Journeys and Places team carry out with schools in the borough here.

Photos of some of the banners created by school students are below.