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Public art workshop held at the Allen Pullinger Youth Centre

The Journeys and Places Team partnered with ECYPS, Doodle Design and Jan Kattein Architects to involve young people from Southgate in developing ideas for an artwork to decorate two new parklets that are being installed in Ashfield Parade.

A workshop took place on 12 and 13 February 2024 at Alan Pullinger youth centre and provided the young participants with the opportunity to understand & follow a rigorous process when designing a piece of public art.

They learned how to respond to a brief, how to research and develop design concepts and how to use different materials and techniques to present their ideas.

At the end of the two days, they handed over their work to an artist from The Matchbox collective who will install the artwork on the parklets in the coming weeks.

The workshop provided a platform for local young people to share their own memories about the personal significance of nature & trees.

Inspired by myths and stories of the ancient woodland of Enfield Chase, they co-created their own modern folklore of Southgate which will be illustrated on the parklets.

ECYPS provided an AQA accreditation for all the young people that engaged on the project, which will be presented at the parklets’ launch event on 9 March 2024.