Enfield Council’s Journeys and Places team run multiple projects simultaneously. We use different methods of engagement at different points of the project lifecycle. This article will outline how, when, and why we engage with the community for our projects. I will use a proposed walking and cycling route as an example.
Early Engagement
We run early engagement periods for our newly proposed projects where we ask the community to share with us any ideas or issues they may have for the newly proposed project. For example, if we are proposing a new cycle route from point A to B then we would ask for ideas and issues the community may be experiencing with walking, wheeling or cycling between these two points. We could do this by using a map hosted on the project’s Let’s Talk page whereby residents could drop pins on the map between points A and B and add ideas or issues on the pin. You can see an example of this in the image below.
At the point of going out to the community for early engagement, we would not necessarily have detailed designs of what the proposed walking and cycling route would look like, only a proposed route alignment. We would then consider what ideas or issues have been raised by the community during this early engagement period to help shape future detailed designs of the route.
We inform the community at the start of the early engagement period by sending letters to residents near the proposed project, social media posts through both the Journeys and Places and Enfield Council social media channels, and a webinar will be hosted outlining the project and purpose.
Statutory Consultation
Once the detailed designs have been completed, there will be a statutory consultation for the proposed designs. It is at this point we invite the community to look at the proposed detailed designs and provide either an objection or a representation to the proposals.
Any objection or representation must be made in writing and must state the grounds on which it is made. Objections or representations can be made in any of the following ways, online via the consultation survey on the Let’s Talk project page, emailed to journeysandplaces@enfield.gov.uk or posted to Journeys and Places team, Enfield Council, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA.
Following a statutory consultation, a summary of the objections and representations will be produced. Enfield Council will provide a response and use the comments received to make a decision on whether or not to implement the project.
The community are made aware of statutory consultations conducted by Enfield Council by a notice being placed in the local paper, a notice being placed in the London Gazette, physical notices may be placed on lighting columns in the project area, a letter will be sent to the community and the Let’s Talk project page will be updated advising of the consultation
To see what Journeys and Places projects are currently in a period of engagement, please visit the Journeys and Places Let’s Talk hub here.